martes, 22 de diciembre de 2020

¡Feliz Navidad!

¡Hola a todas y a todos! ¡Os deseamos desde el Blog Telecomunicaciones y Periodismo una feliz Navidad! En un año tan singular como este, marcado profundamente por la pandemia provocada por la COVID-19, hemos analizado cómo la infraestructura de telecomunicaciones (fija y móvil) ha sido capaz de soportar la elevadísima demanda de banda ancha a raíz de la generalización del teletrabajo. También hemos estudiado casos por países y municipios concretos y éxitos diversos que hemos conseguido.


Los conceptos de Sociedad de la Banda Anchacloud journalism han alcanzado su máximo esplendor. La videoconferencia y el streaming se han popularizado en paralelo a un flujo de datos que ha crecido exponencialmente. Esperamos que paséis una Navidad bonita, en familia y respetando las medidas de seguridad, por el bien de todas y todos. ¡Feliz Navidad! 


martes, 8 de diciembre de 2020

Broadband in Zamora: the goal of getting rid of white zones

Broadband has become part of the reality of advanced societies (Broadband Society), especially with the emergence of new technologies and with the developments carried out in this field. Broadband and the type of technology varies according to the plan of telecommunications of each territory, since the characteristics of this are taken into account to know whether to establish one type or another.

Along the following article, in collaboration with Cristina Poyato Santiago, from UPF, we are going deeper into rural and most neglected areas of Spain, specifically we are going to focus in the province of Zamora, located in the autonomous community of Castilla y León. Zamora is known as a zone with a high level of depopulation, that is due to the large extension of the rural area, since a generous part of the province is made up of low-density locations.

(Map of the territory of Zamora. MICHELIN)

First of all, we are going to define some concepts that we are going to talk about, in order to make it easier to understand along the article. Starting with broadband, this is a service that offers data connection and the transmission of documents and files, whether you want to download or upload on certain devices such as mobile phones, computers and laptops, or televisions, for example. In the case that we are going to analyze, we will specify in the type of ADSL broadband. The ADSL (Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line) technology, is a technology that runs by cable and it is characterized by being asymmetrical, that is, it has a download speed different than the upload speed (10Mbps and 4Mbps, respectively). This technology of telecommunications allows the Internet connection and the transmission of files through the copper wires of the telephone line.