sábado, 23 de marzo de 2019

The broadband and tourism in Girona

Nowadays we live in the Broadband Society, in the kingdom of information. This means that all the structure and social, economic, political and culture relations are based in the implantation of new technologies of information and communication (ICT). The municipalities receive the advantages of broadband, like Girona with its tourism, analyzed with Clara Mendoza Sanz, from UPF. 

Broadband takes an important place in this connected world of the XXI century, and we can even talk about the concept of the broadband society. Our generation is constantly looking for an instant access to a wide variety of information and communication wherever we are: when we travel, in the streets or at home. It has become our religion, like tourism. Tourism, broadband and social media, always together.

lunes, 18 de marzo de 2019

Broadband snapshot of Italy: impacts in rural and sustainable tourism

We will analyze the Italian broadband in collaboration with Filippo Picerno. Italy, in which rural and sustainable tourism is essential, is linked to Internet and the fist steps of the Broadband Society since 30 April 1986 when the first “ping” message was sended with a computer in Pennsylvania to the Cnuce (“Centro nazionale per il Calcolo Elettronico”) researchers in Pisa, Italy is the fourth country in the world linked to Internet. 

Afterwards the World Wide Web (WWW) birth by Tim Berners-Lee in 1991, in Italy was founded an organization called GARR (“Gruppo per l’Armonizzazione delle Reti deal Ricerca”), its work is to link the major universities and research centers of the country. 

sábado, 9 de marzo de 2019

Broadband evolution: the case of Gavà

The telecommunication world has been constantly changing during the last years thanks to all the technological advances that have been appearing in our Broadband Society. Because of that, all the network infrastructures needed to improve to be as actualized as the digital world, and also to have the possibility to offer the best and fastest service. So, all these developments need more bandwidth, especially rural tourism, to let the user be able to have access to these new applications and contents, with less download times and more appropriate costs. 

This is the reason why the broadband development became one of the main purposes of many countries in the world, such as has happened in Spain. The country connected to the Internet for the first time on 1990 and since that moment, theinformation technologies have been constantly evolving and improving. In the present article we analyze, with Laia Calaf Navarro from UPF, the broadband evolution in the concrete case of Gavà, one of the biggest towns from the Baix Llobregat county.