miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2022

¡Muchas gracias por los 75 millones de páginas vistas!

¡75 millones! ¡Muchas gracias a todas y a todos por los 75 millones de páginas vistas del blog científico Telecomunicaciones y Periodismo! ¡Con toda la ilusión! #cecable #telecomunicaciones #periodismo #eumediterrani #blanquerna #intadtv #univpompeufabra #cesine #euncet #eae #uoc #upc #ub #uab #udg #publicidad #marketing #empresa #Terrassa #HbbTV

sábado, 26 de marzo de 2022

S’acosta el DMTforum! (19 de maig)

El futur del sector dels operadors i els reptes de la connectivitat centraran els debats del pròxim DMTforum, que reunirà les empreses de telecomunicacions a Catalunya el dijous 19 de maig a l’auditori de la seu de Barcelona (Espai Can Tiana, carrer Bolívia, 58) de la Comissió Nacional dels Mercats i de la Competència.

Organitzats per
Cecable i Feceminte el pròxim 19 de maig, els debats DMTforum descobriran aspectes sobre cap a on va el sector dels operadors i els reptes de la connectivitat. Com cada edició, es lliuraran els Premis Connexió, que arriben a la seva edició número XXI.

sábado, 19 de marzo de 2022

¡Feliz Día del Padre!

¡Feliz Día del Padre! Espero que disfrutéis como yo de esta singular jornada, que en Cataluña y en España se celebra el 19 de marzo. La tradición cristiana hace coincidir el Día del Padre con la onomástica a San José, el padre de Jesús. No obstante, en zonas de influencia estadounidense, el homenaje al rol paterno se lleva a cabo el tercer domingo de junio. ¡A disfrutar!

sábado, 12 de marzo de 2022

FTTH in Catalonia: the case of Baix Llobregat

Digitization is reaching all forms of information, which has resulted in the proliferation of devices for processing (personal computers, tablets, netbooks, e-books, smartphones, digital radios, digital TV and high definition, game consoles ...). In 2022, in the Broadband Society and cloud journalism, the Information and communications technology (ICT) constitute one of the main pillars of the 21st century society and economy. 

A study conducted in 2019 states that the ICT sector is responsible for 3,1% of the Spanish GDP, which shows the huge impact this sector can have in society. Inside this ICT sector, the internet has shown to be an essential platform for the economic and social development of advanced societies. In fact, broadband is having a revolutionary impact in said societies, and has become a reality all over the world, and also in Catalonia. During the past years, this technology has arrived in Catalonia and it’s different areas an municipalities, with fiber optics as one of the most important addition. In this article, we will talk, in collaboration with Olivia Ferrer, from UPF, about the history and situation of fiber optics in the autonomous community with a focus on the region of Baix Llobregat.  

sábado, 5 de marzo de 2022

FTTH in Maresme: a strong relationship

FTTH is an essential infrastructure for Broadband Society and cloud journalism. The Maresme county has a privileged situation in Catalonia: its situation near Barcelona, one of the main communications hub in Spain, along with the particular orography of a region located between the Mediterranean coast and the Litoral Mountain Range, has ensured a broadband evolution worthy of analysis. Particularly, this paper, in collaboration with Marc García Domènech will follow the progressive and treacherous implementation of FTTH technology in this coastal area.

Fiber To The Home (FTTH), in 2022, has become one of the most demanded broadband technologies in our society, linked to 5G and thinking on 6G in 2030. Fiber optics allows providing great speed to consumers who may live relatively far away from the main broadband backbones, as the speed loss becomes minimal.