Digitization is reaching all forms of
information, which has resulted in the proliferation of devices for processing
(personal computers, tablets, netbooks, e-books, smartphones, digital radios,
digital TV and high definition, game consoles ...). In 2022, in the Broadband Society and cloud journalism, the
Information and communications technology (ICT) constitute one of the main
pillars of the 21st century society and economy.
A study conducted in 2019 states that the ICT sector is
responsible for 3,1% of the Spanish GDP, which shows the huge impact this
sector can have in society. Inside this ICT sector, the internet has shown to be an essential platform for the economic
and social development of advanced societies. In fact, broadband is having a revolutionary impact in said societies, and
has become a reality all over the world, and also in Catalonia. During the past
years, this technology has arrived in Catalonia and it’s different areas an
municipalities, with fiber optics as one of the most important addition. In
this article, we will talk, in collaboration with Olivia Ferrer, from UPF, about the
history and situation of fiber optics in the autonomous community with a focus
on the region of Baix Llobregat.
In this case we will focus on the FTTH, as it’s the one
most people have and are interested about. The FTTH or Fiber to
the Home Telecommunication technology is a technology that reaches the
customer’s homes, and it offers what’s known as Triple Play, which means
that it gives access to the Internet, Television, and telephony and allows
browsing at more than 2 Gbps. This networks also allows a higher download
speed than the conventional copper ones used by the xDSL services, which helps
obtain a speed superior to 100 Mbps. The FTTH technology also allows a higher symmetry,
meaning similar downloading and uploading speed. Smartphones are the number one
connection to broadband in households, and the fiber optics has increased its
presence to arrive in the second position, before ADSL.
to the Consell de Treball, Econòmic i Social de Catalunya
(CTESC), the access to the internet in Catalan homes is increasing, but still
has a long way to go
to arrive at the level of the European Union. Access to the internet in the
autonomous community is near 90% in 2022, while in the EU the
percentage is similar. As for broadband, in Catalonia, 82,9% of households have
access to this technology and in the European Union, 85% of families have it.
The 2018 annual report of
broadband coverage in Spain published by the Ministry of Industry, Energy,
and Tourism, stated that Catalonia is the fourth autonomous community in Spain
with the highest fiber to the home coverage, 86,6%, which is a 9,2% more than
the national average.
Source: SEAD
problem with FTTH coverage is that it’s easy to get in metropolitan areas and
big cities, but it usually doesn’t cover rural zones, and Catalonia is not the exception.
In this report, we can see how the coverage decreases as we look at smaller
municipalities. In 2018, Generalitat de Catalunya said that they will extend the coverage of the
broadband a 25%, that will be able to get to 99% of the population thanks to
the Fixed Radio Access (AFR).
This will guarantee the continuity of the service of the Rural Broadband Network (BAR) in the territory linked to 3G and 4G
mobile networks.
Source: SEAD
The technologies with
the highest coverage in Catalonia are the wireless of more than 2 Mbps, followed by ADSL and FTTH. During
the mid-’90s, cable became an essential element
for the progress of Catalan public administration. For this reason, Menta
(Cable i Televisió de Catalunya) created a new mixed network of fiber optics
and coaxial cable was deployed and at the same time, the offer for multimedia
services increased. At the same time, the Generalitat de Catalunya
also deployed a fiber optic network to connect all the capitals of the regions
in 2001. Nevertheless, at the end of 1999, this deployment didn’t reach the
expectations and people started questioning the possibility for broadband
infrastructure in Catalonia. But at that moment, Telefónica,
the multinational telecommunications company, introduced ADSL to cover the need
for broadband. It was in 2007
when the access to the internet through broadband in Catalonia arrived at 95%
of the population thanks to the implementation of the WiMAX technology.
During that year, access to broadband in the territory was superior to 90% with
36 out of 41 of the Catalan regions. In 2018, only in Spain, 35.100 enterprises where considered of the ICT sector, a 3,2% more than in 2017. The number of employed people in the sector also increased.
The Baix Llobregat is a county in the
region of Barcelona with circa 825.900 inhabitants. It was common for a lot of
these inhabitants to have problems with their mobile connection when a lot of people used the phone at
the same time, as happened during the matches in the Camp Nou, but in 2014,
fiber optics arrived allowing 77% of households in Esplugues to access this
technology with a broadband of 100 Mbps. This changed the way they used the
internet because it allowed high definition T.V, online games, videoconferences in
maximum quality, among many other things and even with several devices at a time. A town
hall councillor, Juan A. Fernández, said that “Esplugues is getting closer to
being a Smart City in which technology is at the service of
citizen welfare” and added that fiber optics is “another step that will
guarantee the equality of citizenship in the field of new technologies".
some advances have been made, the Baix Llobregat and many other counties don’t
have a good enough network to fulfill their needs, but it looks like this will
change soon. This year 2020, the Catalan Government plans to connect the Baix
Llobregat, Garraf and Baix Penedès with a fiber optics public
network. This network will be connected between Castelldefels
and El Vendrell with the wiring of 55,1 km that will go through the C-32
highway and will connect the following municipalities: Castelldefels, Sitges,
Sant Pere de Ribes, Vilanova i la Geltrú, Cubelles, Cunit, Calafell, and El
Vendrell. The final objective of this project, according to the Generalitat de
Catalunya, is to have the whole region connected to fiber optics by 2023.
To this day, the Catalan government has installed 4.500 km of fiber optics
network, but there is a plan to increase it because only 29 of the 42 capitals
of the regions have fiber optics connections. This extension will not only
benefit the main cities, but also the other small municipalities on the way. On
the same path, this past summer, Endesa invested 764.000 euros to
install 23 km of fiber optics in Baix Llobregat and la Anoia with the aim of
improving the response capacity
during incidents.
conclusion, Baix Llobregat and other counties and municipalities are slowly
getting a better connections thanks to the Catalan Government,
that in investing with the purpose that Catalonia becomes a territory with
important digital and technological structures. The arrival of fiber optics to
smaller municipalities helps to connect the infrastructures and public services
everywhere in the autonomous community and in the country, as well as
guaranteeing the territorial cohesion, equal opportunities, economical and
social progress and especially a strong fight against depopulation. In 2017,
only 15% of the catalan
municipalities had fiber to the home, but nowadays, and
thanks to this project, this number has largely increased. The Generalitat will
invest 16,5 millions euros for these connection works, which translates into a
total of 382 km of new fiber optic network. This
project is still in its beginning stages, so we can ask ourselves, what’s to
We analyze broadband and HbbTV evolution (here, the case of Baix Llobregat) in this blog, in Research Group about Digital Journalism and Marketing
and Broadband and in Research Group on Innovative Monetization Systems of
Digital Journalism, Marketing and Tourism (SIMPED), from CECABLE, Escola Universitària Mediterrani of UdG, UPF and Blanquerna-URL,
in Twitter (@CECABLEresearch), Google+, in the group of LinkedIn, in the page of LinkedIn, in the group of Facebook, in Instagram (CECABLE),
in Pinterest and in this blog. We will go in
deep in the DMTforum-XXVI Cable and Broadband Catalonia Congress (19 May 2022, CNMC, Barcelona).
Un bonic article que demostra la satisfactòria penetració de la banda ampla arreu del territori. Felicitats!!!
ResponderEliminarMoltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Angie!!!
EliminarUn artículo muy documentado. Se demuestra la vitalidad de la Sociedad de la Banda Ancha y el "cloud journalism". ¡Enhorabuena!
ResponderEliminar¡Muchas gracias por tu comentario, María Teresa!
EliminarA nice article! FTTH is very important for us!
ResponderEliminarThanks for your comment, Paqui!!!
EliminarUn article molt maco! Necessitem la banda ampla! Felicitats!
ResponderEliminarMoltes gràcies pel vostre comentari!!!
EliminarLa accesibilidad a la banda ancha es esencial en empresas y hogares. ¡Felicidades!
ResponderEliminar¡Muchas gracias por tu comentario, Daniel!
EliminarVemos de nuevo la importancia de la banda ancha. Muy buen artículo. Felicidades!
ResponderEliminar¡Muchas gracias por tu comentario, Daniel!
EliminarGracias a este artículo se puede ver que la importancia de la banda ancha es una forma de compartir y de mejorar a nivel de empresas y de personas.
ResponderEliminar¡Muchas gracias por tu comentario, Laura!
EliminarUn artículo excelente, se demuestra la vitalidad de la banda ancha en zonas de poca conexión y también en viviendas y empresas.
ResponderEliminar¡Muchas gracias por tu comentario, Ammar!
EliminarUn artículo muy interesante, como podemos resulta ser muy difícil obtener buena conexión de red en viviendas rurales, por ejemplo, en este caso Baix Llobregat. Y la accesibilidad a la banda ancha es esencial.
ResponderEliminar¡Muchas gracias por tu comentario, Iker!
EliminarSorprenent article!, podem veure clarament que la importància que té la banda ampla per tal d'obtenir altes tasses de transferència de dades de manera immediata.
ResponderEliminarMoltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Pau!
EliminarMolt interesant! La banda ampla es escencial!
ResponderEliminarMoltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Marc!
EliminarUn gran artículo, deja ver la gran importancia de la banda ancha para la obtención de datos lo más rápido posible.
ResponderEliminar¡Muchas gracias por tu comentario, Albert!
EliminarMe llaman mucho la atención los datos reflejados en el artículo. La banda ancha podría considerarse una de las "nuevas necesidades básicas" de nuestra sociedad, en pleno sigo xxi. Muy interesante! y gran trabajo el que están haciendo las instituciones para reducir la brecha y facilitar el acceso a la banda ancha!
ResponderEliminar¡Muchas gracias por tu comentario, Camila!
EliminarUn artículo que muestra la importancia de la digitalización de los territorios y el acceso de cada uno de estos a la banda ancha para su conexión y cohesión como comunidad, territorio, provincia e incluso país. Asimismo, es de vital importancia mantener los pueblos conectados a la banda ancha para así luchar contra la peligrosa despoblación de las zonas rurales del país y la cada vez más saturación de grandes ciudades como Barcelona y Madrid.
ResponderEliminar¡Muchas gracias por tu comentario, María!
EliminarLucia Nuñez: Un artículo interesante que nos muestra la importancia de la innovación tecnológica incluida en las localidades menos desarrolladas en este ámbito, estas innovaciones consiguen grandes beneficios no solo a nivel laboral sino que también social.
ResponderEliminar¡Muchas gracias por tu comentario, Lucia!
EliminarBlanca Duarte: Es muy interesante que el gobierno de Cataluña haya conseguido una mejor conexión de la fibra óptica con el Baix Llobregat y otras comarcas.
ResponderEliminar¡Muchas gracias por tu comentario, Blanca!
EliminarDesirée Franch: un artículo que demuestra la importancia de tener una red de fibra óptica y que consiga abastecer todos los municipios de una zona para mejorar las relaciones de personas y empresas.
ResponderEliminar¡Muchas gracias por tu comentario, Desirée!
EliminarMuy útil este artículo, me ha dado a conocer la importancia de la banda ancha y su necesidad esencial en otras comarcas.
ResponderEliminar¡Muchas gracias por tu comentario, Alejandro!
EliminarLa fibra óptica es molt important, sobre tot arribar-hi a totes les persones. En aquest cas es interessant com la comarca del Baix Llobregat i altres fins fa poc no constavem d'aquestes.
ResponderEliminarMoltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Clàudia!
EliminarFernando Gonzalez: what an interesting article!! Without doubt the FTTH technology is very important in our days.
ResponderEliminarThanks for your comment, Fernando!
EliminarLUCIA RICO: Que artículo más interesante de nuevo vuelves a sorprendernos!
ResponderEliminar¡Muchas gracias por tu comentario, Lucía!
EliminarY que razón tienes con este artículo y lo indispensable que es el Internet para el desarrollo de las empresas y en sí, para todo.
ResponderEliminar¡Muchas gracias por tu comentario, Laura!
EliminarEl artículo és muy interesante. És interesante leer un poco más sobre la Internet en el medio empresarial y su desarrollo a largo de los años.
ResponderEliminar¡Muchas gracias por tu comentario, Alice!