Poland is nowadays one of
the most developing countries in European Union (EU). We analyze this case in collaboration with Piotr Paluch. After joining the union
in 2004, the dynamic process of “catching up” to the rest of the Western Europe
countries have started and it also includes major progress in the area of
broadband and communication. Today Poland is becoming a leader in that branch
with a lot of innovative technologies and systems to improve the speed and
solidity of the countries broadband.
In 2012, 65% of the
population of the country have used the Internet. These numbers are growing
every year. Also according to official website of the Polish Ministry of
Treasury, by 2016, more than 50% of the inhabitants will have access to the
broadband internet, while the number of connection lines will reach 6,6
millions and 9 millions in 2018 (from the prediction analysis done by PwC).