In the current society, the Internet is
something the human population uses daily for information, entertainment,
direction, and much more. But there was a time when internet was still
premature; in fact, there was a time from which internet had to be born. This
essay, in collaboration with Kristen Hinderliter, will explore the history and
growth of broadband connections and internet in the United States of America.
In 1957, the Advanced Research Projects
Agency, also known as ARPA, was created by the United States’ Department of
Defense in response to the Soviet Union’s recent Sputnik launch. The idea was
that the Soviet Union was getting too far ahead in technological and research advancement;
the Advanced Research Projects Agency was the United States
government’s way of getting back into the competition. ARPA along with the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, or NASA, was supposed to recreate
technical supremacy in the United States of America.
It was decided that the fastest and most
efficient way to gain this superiority would require the knowledge and brain
power of multiple experts of their fields in the United States. From this idea
emerged the Information Process Techniques Office, or the IPTO. The IPTO was to
be an easily accessible space to share and create information and ideas between
the people. It was 1962 at this point, and the IPTO was being run by J.C.R. Licklider.
It was Licklider’s dream to create an “Intergalactic Computer Network”. His
vision for the internet’s capabilities took the world’s perspective of the
computer from, essentially, a large mathematical calculator, to so much more.
Licklider’s work created the outlines for many of the internet’s current uses,
such as online banking, digital libraries, and user-friendly interfaces.
The first step to creating this
“intergalactic” network involves a process called packet switching.
Packet switching is a transmission process in a digital network that breaks
down data into pieces, or packets, to then be distributed quickly and
efficiently to other networks. Every packet has its own routing information and
is channeled individually to the destination, where they are then reassembled.
In 1968, ARPA put out a
contract worth $563,000 to design, create, install, test, and maintain
interface message processors, or IMPS that would connect four main locations:
the Stanford Research Institute, the University of California-Santa
Barbara, the University of California-Los Angeles, and the University of Utah.
In October of 1969, the Stanford Research Institute and the University of
California-Los Angeles were connected. This was the beginning of ARPANET. Stanford
and UCLA were the next to be connected to the system. It was during this time
that the term “log in” was coined, a way to identify individual users on the
same system. The log in still remains a widely used form of identification in
the current society.
Various other kinds of programs began
to cultivate from here, including programs designed to expand other programs.
For example, Request for Comments, or RFC, was a publication used by the Internet Engineering Task Force to help develop, create, and grow
ARPANET. The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) was in charge of and
responsible for the engineering issues involved with the internet activities. The
RFC started out as a way to peer-review the workings of ARPANET, but have grown
to be the official specifications and protocols for how the internet itself functions. Today there
are over 4,000 RFC’s.
Also in this time, the
basis for Telnet
was set up. Telnet is short for Terminal Network. It is a user command used to access
remote computers. It derived from the log in, and is essentially the same
thing. It gives access to a specific computer and all the functions and
clearances that have been allotted to that user.
In 1993, the World Wide Web
was finally introduced to the United States by a British computer scientist Sir
Tim Berners-Lee. Berners-Lee wrote the three most fundamental programs in
technology: HyperText Markup Language, HTML, is the standard markup language
for creating web pages and web applications, Uniform Resource Identifier, or URI/URL,
is a web address that specifies its location on a computer network, and Hypertext
Transfer Protocol, or HTTP, is for transferring hypertext.
Dial-up internet access was limited to 56
kbps modems at this time. Broadband is a term used to
describe any connections faster than dial-up, so it is an umbrella term for
many other applications, such as cable or
DSL. 1996 marked the earliest availability of broadband in North America. By
2000, there was a 50% increase in the number of subscriptions to broadband
internet, and by 2010, over 65% of households had access to their own broadband connections.
The introduction of broadband boomed across
the United States, leaving dial up in the
dirt. The following is a chart showing the increase in broadband, and a
correlated decrease in dial up usage.
analyze international broadband evolution (here, the USA case) in this
blog, in Research Group about Digital Journalism and Marketing and Broadband
and in Research Group on Innovative Monetization Systems of Digital Journalism,
Marketing and Tourism (SIMPED), from CECABLE, Escola
Universitària Mediterrani of UdG, UPF and Blanquerna-URL, in Twitter
(@CECABLEresearch), Google+,
in the group of
LinkedIn, in the page of LinkedIn,
in the group of
Facebook, in Instagram (CECABLE), in Pinterest and in this
blog. We will go in deep in the XXII Cable and
Broadband Catalonia Congress (4-5 April, 22@, UPF).
A reference case, the USA one!
ResponderEliminarOK! We insist on the international analysis! Thanks for your comment!
ResponderEliminarThe origins of cable were on the USA. Congrats for the article!
ResponderEliminarThank you very much!
ResponderEliminarEl Tío Sam siempre se ha espabilado en asuntos tecnológicos. La Sociedad de la Banda Ancha la tienen muy bien asimilada.
ResponderEliminarCiertamente van muy avanzados. El cable histórico, de hecho, nació allí a finales de los años 40 del siglo XX. Toda una declaración de intenciones. ¡Muchas gracias por tu comentario!
ResponderEliminar¡Muchas gracias a vosotros!
ResponderEliminarThe broadband is necessary in all the activities, especially in tourism.
ResponderEliminarCertainly, tourism needs broadband. Thanks for your comment!
ResponderEliminarWhat a great invention! I can't imagine life without broadband connections. They are so useful for tourism nowdays.
ResponderEliminarCertainly, broadband is like the air we breathe. Thanks for your comment!
ResponderEliminarA l’article s’explica de manera detallada la història de la banda ampla a Estats Units. Curiosament, Internet va començar per ús militar amb la finalitat de tenir comunicació entre bases, però més tard es va extendre a un ús universitari i desprès a un ús general… Crec que aquest article està molt bé ja que podem veure com ha anat variant al llarg del temps fins a l’actualitat i com s’han fet diferents usos amb diferents finalitats.
ResponderEliminarÉs curiós que d'un origen militar n'hagin sorgit tantes aplicacions socials. Moltes gràcies pel comentari!
ResponderEliminarMai es deixa d'aprendre. No tenia ni idea dels origens de la banda ampla.
ResponderEliminarEm sento afortunat de ser alumne de'n Joan Francesc.
Gràcies a tu!
ResponderEliminarMoltes gracies per l' article JF
ResponderEliminarÉs un article bastant interessant sobre la banda ample i a més m'ha agradat bastant. Moltes gràcies JF.
ResponderEliminarEs un artículo que nos explica como la banda ancha se originó por la competencia entre los Estados Unidos y la Unión Soviética en una carrera tecnológica sin precedentes. Entonces, J.C.R. Licklider vió en el ordenador algo mucho más allá de una maquina calculadora. También resulta asombroso el crecimiento exponencial del porcentaje de uso y acceso a la banda ancha, que hoy en día es prácticamente de cobertura mundial. Es por eso exactamente por lo que es tan importante en la gestión y administración de las empresas ya que todos las estrategias se desarrollan en base a una sociedad que vive en un mundo 3.0.
ResponderEliminarMiriam Manzanera i Oriol Lafuente:
ResponderEliminarHem trobat l'article interessant donat que tots dos coneixíem la història del passat del internet i de la seva creació però aprendre detalladament els seus orígens a Estats Units ha sigut força interessant.
Un article molt interessant, que ens ajuda a compendre millor el món de la banda ancha. Moltes gracies joan francesc!
ResponderEliminarArticles com aquest sobre la banda ample ens fan comprendre aspectes que no tothom té clars i que fan interessant el tema.
ResponderEliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarS'ha de saber els origens de les coses, i el cas de la banda ampla és molt interessant.
ResponderEliminarMoltes gràcies pels vostres comentaris!
ResponderEliminarUns articles molt il·lustratius!
ResponderEliminarMoltes gràcies!
ResponderEliminarGran velocidad en Estados Unidos. Interesante análisis.
ResponderEliminar¡Muchas gracias!
ResponderEliminarI thought that it can be interesting to know in detail the evolution about broadband. More exactly in the USA cause it is almost the first country in many different things about internet connection.
ResponderEliminarAnna J.
The USA case is illustrative about the long-term task to deploy the networks, especially in the physical ones. With the microwaves option the dissemination is faster.
ResponderEliminarEl artículo nos habla de la evolución de la banda ancha en Estados Unidos. Es muy interesante ver como todo empezó por la rivalidad con la Unión Soviética que lanzó el primer satélite artificial de la historia. Es sorprendente como una aplicación que fue militar en origen, con el pasar de los años, se ha ido desarrollando para dar origen a la banda ancha y el internet en general tal y como lo conocemos hoy.
ResponderEliminarAdemás, también es curioso ver como durante los años que se fue desarrollando lo que había eran sistemas primitivos como por ejemplo el de 1968 para conectar varias universidades. Por otra parte, es llamativo como mientras que el World Wide Web se creó en 1993 y lo cambió todo pero, sin embargo, seguimos utilizando el sistema de log in que data del 1969.
Interesting article to know how broadband appeared, has developed during the years and has arrived nowadays to US!
ResponderEliminarSergio Arenas
¡Muy cautivador! Interesante para ampliar la cultura general. Siempre es bueno conocer el origen, así podemos ser más intuitivos para prever los futuros proyectos. Trufanova, Y.
ResponderEliminar¡Los orígenes de la banda ancha siempre son buenos consejeros!
ResponderEliminarInteresting article that make us know that the origins of Internet were mainly for militar reasons. Later, it began to be used for research between universities until the early 90's and the beginning of the century, when World Wide Web and broadband were introduced. These two last elements made the communication easier and worldwide, made that everyone who want could make, for example, a website of the product they sell for arrive to more people. We should have in consideration also that broadband hasn't arrived to everyone and not
ResponderEliminararrives with the same strength to everywhere but this is what they are trying to improve actually just as we can see in Maresme and Scotland articles.
Gonzálvez, Gabriel
Thanks for your comment!