martes, 22 de diciembre de 2020

¡Feliz Navidad!

¡Hola a todas y a todos! ¡Os deseamos desde el Blog Telecomunicaciones y Periodismo una feliz Navidad! En un año tan singular como este, marcado profundamente por la pandemia provocada por la COVID-19, hemos analizado cómo la infraestructura de telecomunicaciones (fija y móvil) ha sido capaz de soportar la elevadísima demanda de banda ancha a raíz de la generalización del teletrabajo. También hemos estudiado casos por países y municipios concretos y éxitos diversos que hemos conseguido.


Los conceptos de Sociedad de la Banda Anchacloud journalism han alcanzado su máximo esplendor. La videoconferencia y el streaming se han popularizado en paralelo a un flujo de datos que ha crecido exponencialmente. Esperamos que paséis una Navidad bonita, en familia y respetando las medidas de seguridad, por el bien de todas y todos. ¡Feliz Navidad! 


martes, 8 de diciembre de 2020

Broadband in Zamora: the goal of getting rid of white zones

Broadband has become part of the reality of advanced societies (Broadband Society), especially with the emergence of new technologies and with the developments carried out in this field. Broadband and the type of technology varies according to the plan of telecommunications of each territory, since the characteristics of this are taken into account to know whether to establish one type or another.

Along the following article, in collaboration with Cristina Poyato Santiago, from UPF, we are going deeper into rural and most neglected areas of Spain, specifically we are going to focus in the province of Zamora, located in the autonomous community of Castilla y León. Zamora is known as a zone with a high level of depopulation, that is due to the large extension of the rural area, since a generous part of the province is made up of low-density locations.

(Map of the territory of Zamora. MICHELIN)

First of all, we are going to define some concepts that we are going to talk about, in order to make it easier to understand along the article. Starting with broadband, this is a service that offers data connection and the transmission of documents and files, whether you want to download or upload on certain devices such as mobile phones, computers and laptops, or televisions, for example. In the case that we are going to analyze, we will specify in the type of ADSL broadband. The ADSL (Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line) technology, is a technology that runs by cable and it is characterized by being asymmetrical, that is, it has a download speed different than the upload speed (10Mbps and 4Mbps, respectively). This technology of telecommunications allows the Internet connection and the transmission of files through the copper wires of the telephone line.

sábado, 7 de noviembre de 2020

Extra fast broadband in the Basque Country

Nowadays we are in a digital era, so broadband is a necessity. The broadband is a high-capacity transmission technique using a wide range of frequencies, which enables a large number of messages to be communicated simultaneously. The medium can be coaxial cableoptical fiberradio or twisted pair

The broadband creation is going to create a huge impact in our society becoming an essential tool. We talk about the situation in Euskadi in collaboration with Ixone Arana Arana, from UPF. It is located in the western Pyrenees, straddling the border between France and Spain on the coast of the Bay of Biscay. Broadband here is very good. 

domingo, 4 de octubre de 2020

Broadband in Hong Kong: fast, very fast

Hong Kong is a city near China, which is different from China. In Hong Kong we have our own broadband provider with high broadband penetration rate. The fiber optical is also developed by Hong Kong people Sir Charles Kuen Kao. Nearly every part of Hong Kong has internet. 

The internet is well-developed in Hong Kong and people rely on the internet for their daily life, in a Broadband Society and cloud journalism environment. In this essay, we will analyze, with the collaboration of Lin Wing Kwan, from UPF, the questions you may rise when talking about broadband in Hong Kong.

domingo, 6 de septiembre de 2020

Development of Broadband in Rural and Urban Irish Areas

Broadband in Ireland is now considered one of the fastest in the world. And while this might be true for our major cities like Dublin, Cork and Galway, broadband connectivity and speed in rural Irish areas has great potential for improvement. 

For the last 19 years since the first DSL connection went live in Ireland, great lengths have been taken to increase connectivity for the greater population in rural areas. We analyse it in collaboration with Aileen O'Shea. Broadband is becoming more and more of a necessity in our day to day lives, workwise and personally.

miércoles, 1 de julio de 2020

The Danish Broadband Society: step by step

In Denmark, 1981, were 231 computers from different Danish universities bound together by the Internet, and 10 years after the numer had increased to 300.000. In 1996 did 12 percent of the Danish population use the Internet two hours each week. 88 percent did not use the internet. In July 2007 did 83 percent of the Danish population, according to Statistics Denmark, have access to the broadband from their private homes. In a new research by Statistics Denmark in 2010 did the number increase to 91 percent of the Danish population who had access to the broadband from their personal homes.

This is why Denmark, studied here in collaboration with Nanna Torp, Peter Ullum, Karoline Neel and Amalie Arendt, is such an interesting country to look at when it comes to the broadband and the development. Denmark was one of the early adopters of broadband and Internet at the same time, and is now leading the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) with a broadband penetration rate of 29,3 subscribers per 100 inhabitants. The broadband rate signifies the amount of the Internet access market that high speed or broadband Internet has captured.

lunes, 1 de junio de 2020

Periodismo y modelos de pago: la estrategia digital de "The Economist"

El periodismo está protagonizando un claro cambio de paradigma desde la irrupción de internet. El advenimiento de las versiones digitales (que en muchos casos ha eliminado las de papel) requiere un hábil manejo de la hipertextualidad, el multimedia y la interactividad, como en el audiovisual ocurre con el estándar Hybrid broadcast broadband TV (HbbTV). 
En este artículo analizamos, con la colaboración de Martín González (que trabaja en la sección de periodismo de datos en The Economist desde septiembre de 2017), de la UPF, uno de los referentes del periodismo internacional, con una fecunda trayectoria y un modelo de pago bastante consolidado.

sábado, 9 de mayo de 2020

El periodismo en los tiempos del coronavirus

La Sociedad de la Banda Ancha, avalada por la comunidad científica, está mostrando aún más su poder y vigencia durante la pandemia del coronavirus. La entente cordiale entre periodismo y telecomunicaciones, entre creación de contenidos y redes de banda ancha, ha capitalizado la actividad de manera mucho más intensa que de costumbre.

El flujo constante de datos, es decir, el cloud journalism, se ha acentuado por el hecho de que las audiencias están en el hogar muchas más horas que la media habitual. El mes de marzo de 2020 se convirtió en insólito para los medios de comunicación: en contraste con el hundimiento de las campañas publicitarias, se dispararon las audiencias de televisión y los diarios digitales.

sábado, 25 de abril de 2020

Banda ancha en la pandemia: resistencia heroica

Una de las interpretaciones positivas de los duros efectos del confinamiento en todos los ámbitos (personal, social, educativo, sanitario o económico, entre otros) para lidiar con la amenaza del coronavirus es la constatación de la solidez de la red de banda ancha en Cataluña y España. 

Las generosas inversiones en redes de fibra óptica y móviles llevadas a cabo en los últimos lustros han dibujado un escenario musculoso de infraestructura telecomunicativa del que ahora se benefician todos los ciudadanos y todas las empresas. Contra la pandemia, las virtudes de la Sociedad de la Banda Ancha han aflorado en su máxima expresión. 

lunes, 13 de abril de 2020

Recomendaciones para garantizar la banda ancha contra el coronavirus

La situación de alarma general y de confinamiento (el 13 de marzo, hace justo un mes, comenzó el confinamiento académico en España; el 15 de marzo comenzó el general) está dejando de manifiesto la vigencia de la Sociedad de la Banda Ancha (necesidad de banda ancha universalizada y garantizada) y del cloud journalism (actualización y búsqueda constante de nuevos contenidos virtuales). En unas semanas en las que los sentimientos afloran en su máxima expresión, hay que asegurar la transmisión de datos.

El incremento del tráfico de Internet es brutal, gracias al teletrabajo, las fórmulas virtuales educativas (e-learning a la cabeza) y el comercio electrónico. La necesidad de flujo de datos ratifica la vigencia de la Sociedad de la Banda Ancha.

miércoles, 1 de abril de 2020

Pandemia del coronavirus: ventajas e inconvenientes de la virtualización

La tendencia a la digitalización en la Sociedad de la Banda Ancha comporta una ingente plétora de ventajas que se han puesto de manifiesto con motivo de la pandemia del coronavirus (conciliación vida laboral-vida familiar, sostenibilidad, cobertura en situaciones de emergencia, mayor rapidez y globalización de mercados, principalmente), pero también algunos inconvenientes, asociados en general a Internet y a su cobertura, que debe ser universal a medio plazo. Las zonas rurales son la prioridad: hasta las gallinas de la fotografía deberían poder conectarse.

El ecosistema virtual internetiano cuenta con una base real, física, sintetizada en leyes como las de Moore, Gilder, Metcalfe, Amhdal o Drucker, que apelan a la capacidad del hardware: servidores, discos, memorias, routers et altri. En la Sociedad de la Banda Ancha se está confirmando un crecimiento exponencial del tráfico de datos. Y ese tráfico es tan necesario que debe garantizarse, ya que una caída del servicio acarrea disminución en la facturación. Cada segundo en determinados días del año es sinónimo de ingresos. De ahí que entre creadores de contenidos y operadores de telecomunicación hayan surgido los acuerdos de nivel de servicio o Service Level Agreement (SLA).

jueves, 12 de marzo de 2020

Broadband in the Netherlands: the challenge of rural areas

The Netherlands is one of the European Union’s most advanced countries in terms of broadband. It has one of the world’s fastest average broadband speeds, and the highest percentage of broadband penetration per capita in the world: 99% of all households. In recent times, the Netherlands has become a digital hub, consisting of many digital media and internet companies. We analyse it with the collaboration of Candela Arias-Camison López, from UPF.

Especially Amsterdam, its capital city, is home to many data centres, startups, and multinational digital firms. For example, in a Broadband Society and cloud journalism way, the most important Internet exchange point in the world, AMS-IX, is based in Amsterdam. This is supported thanks to an advanced fiber optic network

jueves, 5 de marzo de 2020

Broadband in Venezuela: a slow network

Today, everyone, once in their life, have used broadband connection. This internet service is used, in most cases, with a cable connection; although it can be present by Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) or Fiber Optic networks. 

From the internet, messaging and communication never had an easy way as now. The importance of this tool has grown due to the evolution of broadband technology, for that reason, users have better channels of information exchange practically infinite. The speed and efficiency innovation of this technology has caused everyone in the world to be dependent on the internet, and the case of Venezuela, in collaboration with Lenny Yohana Gonçalves, from UPF, is a sample about it.

jueves, 20 de febrero de 2020

Broadband in Barcelona: reality and trends

In this article we analyse Barcelona’s broadband. To start with, maybe you are asking yourself: what is broadband? So, we want to start answering this question, thus you can understand better the article, in collaboration with Inés Rey de Olano (Pompeu Fabra University).

Broadband is a high-speed connection to the internet. Before broadband exists, internet access was achieved with ‘narrowband’ up connections that were very slow by today’s standards. Broadband is quicker and allows us to do more on the internet

sábado, 1 de febrero de 2020

The Spanish evolution of broadband

We will try to answer the many questions that arise when talking about broadband in Spain, in collaboration with John McAulay Solé. The internet appeared in the country for the first time in the early 1990s: the first Spanish commercial internet provider, Goya Servicios Telemáticos, was born in 1992, and only a year later the first Spanish web server started working in the Iberian country. 

Since then, internet has gone a very long way. In only a quarter of a century, it has gone from being an unknown futuristic concept to an element of every-day use. According to the Asociación de Usuarios de Internet, in 1996 there were only 320,000 internet users in Spain. Since then, that number has risen by more than 12,000% – up to 39.42 million users in 2018. Another interesting stat is the number of people who connect to the internet through their mobile phone. Last year, more than 35 million Spaniards used the internet through these devices, even though this is something which has only been possible since little over a decade ago.

viernes, 17 de enero de 2020

The adaptation of television to HbbTV

The growth of the television offer of HbbTV (Hybrid broadcast broadband TV) and the intention to reinforce the weight of the television service by cable telecommunication operators can convergently converge in a diaphanous intersection between audiovisual and telecommunications.

HbbTV is an interactive standard that, unlike Smart TV, confers power to networks, not manufacturers. Dialogue options with the end customer are multiplied, which can trigger creative news from the journalistic and audiovisual point of view and more seductive formulas from the advertising perspective.

martes, 7 de enero de 2020

Broadband and its local spreading

Which is the situation of Broadband at local sphere? Broadband Society embraces the municipal activity. It is known that broadband was born in extension of the path information does to all types of communication systems, like enterprises, media or your house. 

Broadband services were promoted by the potency of technology terminals, the support of new communication infrastructures – like fiber optic – and the initiative of administrations and industry (Redes de Banda Ancha). We analyse, in collaboration with Irina Carnicero Moreno, the Catalan case, focusing in Malgrat de Mar (a small village). 

miércoles, 1 de enero de 2020

Nuevos hitos del blog científico Telecomunicaciones y Periodismo: 60 millones de páginas vistas, 60 mil impactos

¡Más de 60 millones de páginas vistas, más de 60 mil impactos según Google! Datos positivos para iniciar por todo lo alto un 2020 que deseo sea fructífero para todas y para todos. Agradezco enormemente el reconocimiento y el bonito resultado cuantitativo del blog científico Telecomunicaciones y Periodismo, que continúa sumando alegrías. Los contenidos sobre la Sociedad de la Banda Ancha van acumulándose en un blog lleno de ilusión y espíritu de análisis, en plena vorágine de cloud journalism.  

Uno de los aspectos que más agradecemos es la ingente cifra de enlaces (backlinks) generados. La hipertextualidad es uno de los indicadores de calidad y de autoridad de un sitio web, y además la mayor parte de esos enlaces hacia nuestro blog provienen de entidades de prestigio: artículos científicos indexados, medios de comunicación, otros blogs especializados, redes sociales de referencia y una plétora de páginas diversas.