This is why
Denmark, studied here in collaboration with Nanna Torp, Peter Ullum, Karoline
Neel and Amalie Arendt, is such an interesting country to look at when it comes
to the broadband and the development. Denmark
was one of the early adopters of broadband and Internet at the same time, and
is now leading the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development) with a broadband penetration rate of 29,3 subscribers per 100
inhabitants. The broadband rate signifies the amount of the Internet
access market that high speed or broadband Internet has captured.
Broadband is
the technical term that we use to describe which technology that gives us
access to the internet. In Denmark there is three different types of
1. Traditional broadband
2. Mobile broadband
3. Fiber
Traditional broadband
broadband was one of the first internet technologies in Denmark and today it is
one the cheapest way for consumers to access the internet. It is the most common broadband technology in
Denmark, and it works through the cellular lines – also known as the copper
network, which the landline phones used to run through. The
infrastructure of the copper lines was made over a hundred years ago and covers
most of the country and therefore almost all Danish households can access the
copper network without having new cables dug in the ground. In addition, the
copper network does not require very much maintenance, which also makes it
cheaper for both consumers and suppliers and that is also why this technology
is widely used in Denmark.
The cellular
lines in Denmark are at least of 2 Mbps, but the majority of the citizens can
access an access a connection with 20 Mbps. If a household is near a broadband
central, they can even access a connection with 50 Mbps.
Mobile broadband
Broadband is a wireless technology that allows us to connect a mobile broadband
device such as a smartphone to a broadband connection wirelessly through the
mobile network and sends the data through 4G and 3G services.
primary reason for why Danish citizens uses mobile broadband, is that it is
portable. This means that it is possible to connect from anywhere in the
country which is convenient when you are on the go. As
long as you have a 4G or 3G signal, you can use the internet. However, the
mobile broadband is not perfect. Compared to a fixed connection through cables,
this technology often has a bit more delay and limitation on data consumption. Most
of the buildings and houses in Denmark are isolated very well due to the
weather conditions, where the winters can be very cold. This
can also affect the mobile broadband and make it more difficult for the
connection to stay fast, because the walls are thick and stuffed with
isolation. This is a problem in all of the Nordic countries.
Though it is
still possible for Danish people to have fast internet whether it is 4G or 3G. With
a liberalised market in Denmark this also includes the area of
telecommunications. This is why it is the
telecompanies and not the Danish state that builds and operates and builds the
mobile networks.
It is also the telecompanies that does the investing in the infrastructure
which will lead to the future 5G-network.
5G technology - the future broadband
There is now
a new generation of mobile networks on its way to Denmark which will be able to
replace the currant 4G network. This
is the 5G mobile network which is defined as a mobile broadband technology
which fulfills the requirements and specifications made by the IMT-20201-
specifications established by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).
broadband technology draws on different technological progresses hereunder; new
frequences - new areas of frequencies which will lead to a far bigger capacity
and higher speed -; more antennas which will simply create a better network;
and independent networks in which it is possible to establish independent
private networks with high security. So within
this technology there is the opportunities for a bigger capacity, higher speed,
more security and very small response time when you are transferring data. In
Denmark the 5G broadband technology has qualities that is necessary for the new
digital technologies in the Danish society. These necessities will
occur in production, robot technology, areas on health that requires a heavy
load of data to proceed the online-experiences. Today
the 5G is still on test basis in Denmark and has been tested on different
companies within this capital region. The year of the
release has been said to be in 2021 and will at
that time be able to create a faster and safer internet in a society where data
only grows and better broadband technology is crucial for the infrastructure in
the digitalised society in the future.
Fiber optics
The fiber
network is the latest technology in Denmark and arguably the fastest. With
fiber networks it is possible to receive and send information online very fast.
The information is sent through optical fiber made of glass and plastic. A
traditional broadband connection can usually reach a maximum of 50 Mbit. But
fiber networks can reach up to over 1000 Mbit – even though is it very rare
that anyone would need such a fast connection.
In Denmark,
the prices of fiber networks have changed tremendously over the past few years.
At first when fiber networks were being rolled out in Denmark, it was an
incredibly expensive project, and this affected the prices. Today it has become
much easier to access fiber networks and therefore the price for fiber networks
is much lower. This is also due to the fact that more suppliers of fiber
networks have appeared on the market and that created a level of competition
among the suppliers.
Law and the broadband market in Denmark
In Denmark the law has decided that every dane should have the opportunity to
get a telephone connection for an affordable price. The
government has made a cooperation with the company TDC to secure that. TDC
therefore has a large share of the market also regarding broadband even though
they do not have the duty of selling broadband. The broadband market rely on
the theory of supply and demand. Broadband prices are only regulated by the
competition on the market.
Denmark are one of the OECD-countries with the best broadband infrastructure. In Denmark there is the highest penetration of broadband, but if we look at our neighbours of Sweden, they have more success using fiber network with a higher speed. That is what Denmark is trying to reach now, and that is why TDC is trying to develop their fiber network. A complete coverage of broadband can be achieved in Denmark without developmental policies. If there is use of developmental policies, it can speed up the process. So in some ways, the Swedish approach and way of doing it can inspire Denmark, but it goes both ways, because the Danish approach is thorough too.
We analyze international broadband and HbbTV evolution (here, the case of Denmark) in this blog, in Research Group about Digital Journalism and Marketing
and Broadband and in Research Group on Innovative Monetization Systems of
Digital Journalism, Marketing and Tourism (SIMPED), from CECABLE, Escola Universitària Mediterrani of UdG, UPF and Blanquerna-URL,
in Twitter (@CECABLEresearch), in the group of LinkedIn, in the page of LinkedIn, in the group of Facebook, in Instagram (CECABLE),
in Pinterest and in this blog. We will go in
deep in the XXV Cable and Broadband Catalonia Congress.
Bonito artículo. ¡Felicidades!
ResponderEliminar¡Muchas gracias, María Teresa!
EliminarEnorme tasca la d'aquest blog. Enhorabona!!!
ResponderEliminarMoltes gràcies, Sergi!!!
ResponderEliminarInteresting article to know the Danish broadband evolution.
ResponderEliminarThanks a lot, Josué!!!
EliminarUna gran labor la de "Telecomunicaciones y Periodismo". ¡Enhorabuena!
ResponderEliminar¡Muchas gracias por tu comentario, Daniel!
EliminarUn artículo interesante donde explica toda la evolución de la banda ancha, en este caso en Dinamarca. Tal como se aclara en el último párrafo podemos observar como el futuro de la banda ancha será 5G, eso quiere decir que habrá mucha más facilidad para transportar información a la hora de navegar por internet ya sea por la velocidad como por la respuesta. En conclusión dará una facilidad tan clara que el consumidor digital va a estar conectado a la red siempre.
ResponderEliminar¡Muchas gracias por tu comentario!
EliminarUn artículo cargado de mucha información muy relevante, explicando la evolución de la banda ancha,en el caso del artículo en Dinamarca. Menciona que el futuro de la banda ancha será 5G, queriendonos decir que la información se transportará a una mayor velocidad a la hora de la navegación por internet.
ResponderEliminarTambién menciona que Dinamarca es uno de los países de la OCDE (Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico) con la mejor infraestructura de banda ancha y habbla de su mayor penetración de banda pero no en comparación de sus vecinos Suecos con mayor éxito en la utilización de redes de fibra con mayor velocidad. En conclusión el consumidor va a estar permanentemente conectado a la red.
¡Muchas gracias por tu comentario, Héctor! Los países nórdicos son referentes en velocidad de Internet y en calidad de vida.
EliminarIn this article we can appreciate how internet has burst into our life since last century. In Denmark the connection to the internet started at universities and then arrived at homes.
ResponderEliminarWith the passage of time, broadband has been improving in this country so this made that habitants want to have the latest technology at their homes, even though not everybody can afford it in Denmark there are different types of broadband to which they can access already seeing your types of income.
I believe that the fact that there are different ways of accessing the Internet makes a person bite the trap and want to have it, in this way the broadband companies get more normally loyal buyers, this means more income and vice versa, buyers get a product with which it facilitates access to others. We are in a time where all the customers are digital buyers, the availability of broadband encourages online shopping and other services that it can offer.
Finally the principal advantage of broadband in Denmark is that it is one of the OECD countries with the best broadband infrastructure and a complete broadband coverage without development policies.
Thanks for your comment, Laura!
EliminarEn este articulo podemos descubrir cómo ha ido evolucionando la banda ancha y el internet en Dinamarca. Actualmente disponen de diversos tipos de banda ancha en la cual destacan la fibra y el 5G. La fibra actualmente es la forma más rápida de enviar y recibir información. En un futuro, como nos menciona el articulo el 5G sera la forma más rápida para conseguir la información y hacer avances tecnológicos de gran calibre. En mi opinion, y tal y como dice la OCDE (Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico) Dinamarca es uno de los países con la mejor y mayor infraestructura de banda ancha. Por eso no es de extrañar que sea de los primeros en innovar mediante el uso del 5G.
ResponderEliminar¡Muchas gracias por tu comentario, Álex! El 5G puede acelerar liderazgos.
EliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarThanks to this article I have discovered the different evolutions that the internet and broadband have had, in this case from Denmark.
ResponderEliminarI believe that this country has progressed very quickly and efficiently in supplying this technology throughout its population. Denmark should be an example for all those countries that are still in the process.
Thanks for your comment, Elena!
EliminarIn this article we can see how impressive actually is the denish broadband society.
ResponderEliminarFirstly, Denmark had only 231 computers from different Danish universities but 10 years later, that number increased to 300.000 which is incredible and not only that, in 1996, 12% of the people used the internet two hours each week and in 2007 that increased to 83% of the population.
Other important things we can appreciate in this article is that Denmark is one of the OECD countries with the best broadband infrastructure.
To conclude, we can see that Denmark is really improving in terms of broadband and because of that it is one of the first countries that will have access to 5G connection.
Thanks for your comment, Augusto!
EliminarEn este artículo podemos ver cómo la tecnología se ha involucrado en nuestras vidas y en un futuro no muy lejano lo hará todavía en mayor cantidad. La aparición del 5G hará que toda la información se transporte y llegue al resto aún más rápido, lo que hace que todos estemos mas conectados entre nosotros. También me ha gustado ver la evolución de la banda ancha en Dinamarca, me ha parecido muy interesante.
ResponderEliminar¡Muchas gracias por tu comentario, Hugo!
EliminarGreat Job! I found the article really interesting!
ResponderEliminarThanks to the internet and new technologies, our society has been able to grow and nowadays we are capable of getting all the information we need, as wherever we would like to. Our consumption way has changed, we are used to using the internet to buy products, therefore that gives us power as consumers. The way we consume is different, and more and more, we need better technological resources.
Denmark is a great example of a technological country, which has done a great investment to approach their society to the modern world.
Thanks for your comment, Eduardo!
EliminarEn mi opinión es un artículo muy completo, donde se detallan el paso de la banda ancha en la sociedad danesa, donde se demuestra la importancia y el avance de internet aumentando notablemente en 10 años el uso de internet, tanto en móviles como en ordenadores, siendo uno de los primeros países en adoptar la banda ancha en todos sus tipos y la gran evolución de las mismas demostrando, así la banda ancha del futuro, sin duda, él es 5G cumpliendo con los requisitos y avances de la sociedad.
ResponderEliminar¡Muchas gracias por tu comentario, Marta! El 5G promete.
EliminarGracias a que muchas universidades y grandes empresas, en 2010 la gran mayoría de la población ya hacía uso de esta banda ancha. Hay varios tipos de banda ancha, pero las más destacables son la fibra y el 5g. Cada vez se ha ido modernizando y el futuro es el 5g ya que da mayor velocidad y acceso a las tecnologías digitales a otro nivel.
ResponderEliminarComo bien dice, Dinamarca es uno de los países con mejor banda ancha pero sin superar a los Suecos.
En cuanto a los precios, se regulan por la competencia que hay en el mercado y la banda ancha se basa en la oferta y la demanda. El consumidor estará siempre conectado a las redes gracias a esta facilidad y rapidez. Esto, hará que aumente el comercio digital (ya que hoy en día es mucho más cómodo), el uso de aplicaciones etc.
¡Muchas gracias por tu comentario, Concha! ¡Suerte de la banda ancha en las universidades, porque con la pandemia de la COVID-19 y la virtualización...!
EliminarEl articulo realizado por Joan Francesc Fondevila, nos muestra cómo la banda ancha danesa ha evolucionado y evolucionará en los próximos años.
ResponderEliminarDinamarca ha vivido todo un proceso de evolución en el cual se ha pasado de tan solo un 12% de personas con disponibilidad de internet en 1996 a un 91% en el año 2010. Esto ha provocado la necesidad de mejorar tanto las infraestructuras como el servicio que se ofrece en el país.
En los próximos años se augmentará el uso de la fibra óptica y se dejará en un segundo plano la banda ancha tradicional, esto es debido a que la fibra óptica consigue superar con creces a la anteriormente dicha.
La evolución también aportará una red 5G que es superior a las 3G i 4G que hay actualmente, esto permitirá una mayor velocidad en sus teléfonos móviles.
Soy Víctor Molina, no se porque no me sale el nombre :(
EliminarIn my opinion this is a really interesting article about how the Danish broadband has evolved till this day. To me it's astonishing the fact that Denmark was one of the first adopters of broadband and the Internet, that tells us how advanced this country is. I think that the possibility of entering a platform through different ways is vital, specially these days.
ResponderEliminarMy views about the Denmark policies are positive mainly because the fact that the government is so implied in the citizens reveals how much the government cares about them.
Thanks for your comment, Laura!
EliminarFirst of all, congratulations on the article! It is true that the technological future requires us to evolve broadband and that both Denmark and Switzerland are countries that are one step ahead of us. In your article we can discover the evolution of broadband and various curious facts about it. I'm sure the internet will continue in our lives for a long time
ResponderEliminarThanks for your comment, Paula!
EliminarIn my opinion this is a really interesting article about how the Danish broadband has evolved till this day. To me it's astonishing the fact that Denmark was one of the first adopters of broadband and the Internet, that tells us how advanced this country is. I think that the possibility of entering a platform through different ways is vital for digital consume, especially these days.
ResponderEliminarMy views about the Denmark policies are positive mainly because the fact that the government is so implied in the citizens reveals how much the government cares about them.
Thanks for your comment, Laura!
EliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarIn Denmark, the change was drastic. They went from 88% of the Danish population not using the Internet in 1996 to 83% using the Internet in 2007. We can realize that it is a very drastic change in just 11 years. However, as we know, it is a country that has known how to adapt very well to these rapid changes. In Denmark they have 3 different types of broadband, traditional, mobile and fiber. Furthermore, the law has
ResponderEliminardecided that every Dane should have the opportunity to get a telephone connection for an affordable price. This is something that, as we well know, enhances the purchase and makes it more dynamic. If we give all our inhabitants the possibility to connect, we are also giving them an ease to buy. A better shopping experience.
Thanks for your comment, Fernanda!
EliminarThe text at first tells us about how the Internet has evolved in Denmark until today, little by little, year after year thanks to technology was one of the first countries to have access to broadband and internet from home. I thought it was a very important article, because today it is one of the most popular topics in the world with technology. Another thing that I found very interesting is the 5G technology, which is not yet approved, but which in the future will help us not only as speed, but also with the start of new networks and services; safer, more available and more reliable.
ResponderEliminarSoy Rinchen Tshewang
EliminarThanks for your comment, Rinchen!