We analyze the Dutch
broadband case in collaboration with Sjors Beukeboom. Piet Beertema sits behind
his computer, patiently waiting for a reply from someone in America. It seems
ages ago when he send a message straight across the Atlantic Ocean. ‘Unreal’,
is what he must have thought when he hit the ‘send’-button on the computer,
unsure whether his click with the mouse would get the results he wants. Suddenly
a soft ringtone tells Beertema that he has received a new message. “Thanks for the additional information. This is to let you know that
we have changed the status of this network to connected.” An Eureka-moment for
the Dutch scientist in Amsterdam.
Piet Beertema. A
typical Dutch name for a typical Dutch achievement. Beertema was the first
European connecting to the precursor of the world wide web, sending a message
to the United States at November 17, 1988 at 14:28. Stephan Wolff, the receiver
of the message, replied Beertema the morning after. The satisfaction of that
soft ringtone is a feeling he will never forget.
The Dutch scientist from Amsterdam was extremely passionate for the rise of the internet. Two and a half year earlier than the message sent, he invented the .nl top level domain. A bit later he started the organization providing citizens domain registration.
Hours of waiting
Untill 1988, the
internet had been a facility only for Americans. Europe was behind when it was about the access to the world wide web. Luckily
for Beertema, he had the right scientific contacts to access the internet,
something we find so usual nowadays. 400 million Europeans followed Beertema
after him, enjoying way faster broadband speeds than Beertema had to deal with.
It´s not a wonder
that it took hours for Beertema to send and receive a proper message which we
currently call e-mail. The digital letter, which we nowadays can receive within
a single second, was send with a speed of 64 kilobits per second. In the
beginning of 2018 users of the internet enjoy billions and billions of kilobits
per second broadband speed.
In those 30 years, the
internet is probably the most developed facility of the century. Not only
because of the amount of users and the increase in speed, but also for its
technological advances it brought for the society of today. Nearly everything can be done with the internet, from education to medical services, from
e-government to communication services. Did Beertema ever expect such an incredible
increase in popularity while receiving that message from Stephan Wolff?
Internet all over the world?
When it comes to the
development of the availability of broadband speeds and accessibility, there
are a lot of differences worldwide. In the western countries a lot of the inhabitants
have access to the world wide web, some enjoying quicker broadband speeds than
others. On the other hand is the availability in countries as Madagascar, Somalia
and Gabon (all Africa) for huge parts of the inhabitants more a dream than
reality. They are limited to human face-to-face interaction or telephone calls,
instead of being interactive on the world wide web. In the developing world for
example, less than half of the population had access to internet.
Internet in Europe
But even still in
Europe, ‘only’ 79% of the inhabitants were able to use the broadband. The Netherlands, with Beertema as its
first user, 92,1% had access in 2016. Therefor The Netherlands has more
connectivity than for example Belgium, Switzerland and Germany. The Netherlands
is the fifth country on the list with the most amount of people being able to
surf on the internet, based on Eurostat statistics.
When it comes to the
amount of users, The Netherlands is world leading, but when talking about
broadband speeds, other countries are on top of the leaderboard. With an
average of 15.3 megabits per second, The Netherlands is definitely in the top
of the list, but there are countries where the access is faster. South Korea,
for example, is the best country when it comes to averaged broadband speeds. Sweden,
Norway and Switzerland are above the small country next to the North Sea as
well. When compared to the average speed
in the world, being on 5.1 megabits per second, all these countries are way above it.
It is interesting to
look at the different number of people of the internet of the different
countries between the different Erasmus-students. In the group there is a
Norwegian, a Dutch, a French, someone from the UK, one from Germany and a
person from Bulgaria.
What we can see is that
Norway is doing very well on the mobile phone broadband speeds. The difference
between surfing on fixed broadband and mobile is not that big. The Netherlands
is the quickest, when it comes to fixed broadband downloading speed. Interesting
is the fact that Bulgaria is having a better mobile broadband system than
France, United Kingdom and Germany. I would suggest that the western European
countries would have the highest downloading speeds.
How fast is your internet? Look for your broadband speed here and compare with the
average of your country here. Let me know in the
Fibers of glass will increase broadband speeds in The Netherlands
The broadband speed
in The Netherlands will increase over the next years. The government and the
broadband industries are currently investing a lot of money in optical fiber, a
facility which is quite unique in the world. Optical fibers are very thin, hollow
cables made of glass. Instead of sending electrical signals, like traditional
cables do, the signal is transported by the lights of lasers. It is a very sustainable way of getting very fast internet, if the glass cables are being
wrapped into a plastic case.
In 2014, two million
of the Dutch citizens were enjoying faster internet because of the fibers. Streaming
video’s in 4K is very easy with an optical fiber connection. Next to that, the fibers
result in a faster speed over a greater amount of kilometers. Interesting
enough, the fiber result in a symmetrical upload- and download-speed, which is
uncommon compared with, for example, ADSL connections.
It is expected that
the quickest broadband speeds this era will increase every year. Piet Beertema
is one of the Dutch persons who is still on the internet each day, despite his
age of 75 years old. I wonder how he feels like when surfing on the world wide
web, knowing that he was the first one in Europe to enjoy this life-changing facility.
We analyze international broadband evolution (here, the Dutch case) in this blog, in Research Group about Digital Journalism and Marketing and Broadband and in Research Group on Innovative Monetization Systems of Digital Journalism, Marketing and Tourism (SIMPED), from CECABLE, Escola Universitària Mediterrani of UdG, UPF and Blanquerna-URL, in Twitter (@CECABLEresearch), Google+, in the group of LinkedIn, in the page of LinkedIn, in the group of Facebook, in Instagram (CECABLE), in Pinterest and in this blog. We will go in deep in the XXIII Cable and Broadband Catalonia Congress (10-11 April 2018, Barcelona).
Curioso e interesante. ¡Felicidades!
ResponderEliminar¡Muchas gracias, Paqui!
EliminarThanks, Juana!
ResponderEliminarSorprendentes primeros pasos de Internet en Europa.
ResponderEliminarMolt interessants, aquests articles internacionals! Felicitats, Dr. Fondevila!
ResponderEliminarMoltes gràcies!
ResponderEliminarEl artículo Nos dice que Beertema fue la primera conexión europea de la red mundial, gracias a que envió un mensaje a los Estados Unidos que fue respondido a la mañana siguiente por Wolff.
ResponderEliminarHasta el 1988, Internet sólo funcionaba en los Estados Unidos, pero afortunadamente, gracias a Beertema y sus contactos Europa empezó a tener internet, aunque no era instantáneo.
Este gran paso nos permitió avanzar mucho en todos los aspectos posibles.
¡Muchas gracias por tu comentario, Marina!
EliminarPiet Beertema, fue la primera persona en enviar un mensaje a los EEUU en 1988, el cual fue respondido. También hay que destacar, que fue el primer europeo en contacto con esta instalación, ahora tan conocido como Internet.
ResponderEliminarGracias a él, los Países Bajos son el país con más rápida velocidad de Internet, por delante de las grandes potencias europeas como Francia o Reino Unido. La fibra óptica, será en los próximo años aumentada por el gobierno y las industrias ya que es un avance para todo tipo de usos. Destacar, que gracias a Beertema hoy en día tenemos el Internet que en muchos lugares del mundo, aún no existe por condiciones ajenas (Madagascar, Somelia...). Beertema, hoy a sus 75 años, sigue navegando por la red.
¡Muchas gracias por tu comentario, Miriam!
EliminarInteresante artículo. La velocidad de banda ancha en los Países Bajos aumentará en los próximos años. El gobierno y las industrias de banda ancha están invirtiendo mucho dinero en fibra óptica. Gracias a Piet Beertema hoy en día podemos disfrutar de internet de una manera rápida y cómoda y ver videos en calidad 4K. Un artículo muy útil, felicidades Dr. Fondevila!
ResponderEliminar¡Muchas gracias por tu comentario, Cristina!
ResponderEliminarThanks, María Teresa!
ResponderEliminarThanks, Victorià!
EliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarEste artículo nos permite conocer la historia de Internet y como se introdujo a Europa. Piet Beertema fue la primera persona en enviar un mensaje a los EEUU, quienes ya disponían de Internet, en 1988, cuya respuesta fue al cabo de unas horas. Nos hace reflexionar sobre la rapidez que tenemos hoy en día, como convivimos con ello y como dependemos de ello. También podemos observar que no toda la rapidez es igual en los distintos paises, algunos datos son sorprendentes. Es curioso pensar en como evolucionará el internet en los años proximos.
ResponderEliminarLa evolución de Internet es objeto de monitorización constante, dada su trascendencia. ¡Muchas gracias por tu comentario, Laura!
EliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarEste artículo nos explica como se introdujo internet en Europa, lo que ahora usamos fácilmente a diario en 1988 pasó de ser algo posible solo para los americanos a todo el mundo y eso se consiguó gracias a Piet Beertema quien envió un mensaje a América y fue respondido al dia siguiente por Wolff.
ResponderEliminarA partir de este momento, internet se ha expandido por todo el mundo pudiendo tener conexión a internet con rapidez, calidad y facilidad.
Se espera que cada año la conexión mejore. Me emociona pensar que dentro de unos años habrá una mayor evolución en este mundo y todo esto lo veamos anticuado.
Es bonito que te emociones, Carolina. ¡Muchas gracias por tu comentario!
EliminarL'article explica la historia d'Internet i la seva introducció a Europa. Va ser gràcies a Piet Beerma la primera persona en enviar un missatge l'any 1988 a EEUU i que fou respost.
ResponderEliminarEls Països Baixos disposen de la velocitat més ràpida d'Internet situant-se per damunt de les poténcies europees.
Sense cap dubte la fibra ópitca és el futur i es seguirà desenvolupant i avançant a pas de gegant constiutint un aspecte molt important en la majoria de sectors tant económic com social.
Certament, la fibra òptica és el futur! Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Míriam!
EliminarUn artículo interesante.
ResponderEliminarGran explicación de los inicios de Internet en Europa y de cómo evolucionará en los Países Bajos. Es curioso la forma en la que ha evolucionado al largo de los años y poder analizar en lo que probablemente pueda llegar a ser.
Albert V i G.