During a lot of years, great efforts have
been carried out to provide this Catalan region with great connection
facilities in the Broadband Society. During the first years of the 21st
century, broadband arrived to Catalunya,
but often in a non-regular way. For this reason, in 2003, during the rise of
Internet and communication technologies, the local government, the Generalitat
of Catalonia, launched the program ‘Catalunya Connecta’.
A plan that intended to provide access to the new
communication technologies - including broadband - to the Catalan
territories, especially within the rural areas. We analyse it in, focused
in the Lleida’s
reality, essential for tourism, in collaboration with UPF.
Broadband coverage in the rural areas by the
Generalitat of Catalunya: First step (from 2003 to 2018). This project had 4
main cornerstones, and even though they were supposed to take place
independently, in many occasions they shared infrastructures and facilities.
These four are: the radio communications infrastructure, the Mobile Telephone
technology, the Digital and Terrestrial Television, and the Rural Broadband.
To address the broadband implementation, an evaluation
of the whole Catalan situation was carried out. Results showed that there were
2.067 villages were lacking ADSL technology, which was beacon of the wide
difference of implementation that this technology had in the different Catalan
regions. In order to face this situation, the program designed a special
project: Banda Ampla Rural (BAR) (Rural Broadband). This plan aimed to provide
with broadband the villages that had more than 50 inhabitants; connect the
industrial parks via WiMAX technology, and guarantee a service of quality to
the old and new users of this network.
However, the BAR project wasn’t enough to guarantee
internet access to all rural areas in Catalunya. This is why the Generalitat
launched a parallel program, called BAR-SAT (Rural Broadband via Satellite).
This plan sought to provide with internet access those areas where installing
other kinds of technology (ADSL, WiMAX or 3G) was impossible or considerably
difficult. Offering connection to more than 2.200 new users, BAR-SAT had the
Tooway™ technology, provided by the Eutelsat platform. This is a bidirectional
broadband service that can achieve speeds and costs similar to those from ADSL
technology. Furthermore, this system included the Fair Access Policy (FAP), a
temporal regulation system that ensures that all online users can have the same
amount of connection.
Current step: from 2018 until today. While this technology
was enough during the first years of 2000, it became progressively obsolete due
to the increase of Internet demands. Plus, it only gave coverage to 66% of the
territory. In this scenario, the Generalitat of Catalunya designed a plan to
change the technology that brought broadband. It is Accés Fix Ràdio (AFR), a
system based on 3G and 4G service that offers better benefits and a greater
coverage. This improvement is going to amplify broadband coverage for up to 91%
of the Catalan territory (99% of the population).
Case study: the province of Lleida. A paradigmatic
example of this implementation of Internet access to the villages can be found
in Lleida province. After an agreement approved in September 2018 between the
Generalitat de Catalunya and the Deputation, high-speed Internet connection
will be provided to all of Lleida’s villages within the next five years. Within
the frame of the new plan approved last year, they have set the plan to provide
with fiber optic all of the province’s villages, tracing a 1.500 km-long cable
way in a period of 5 years.
The capital of the province, the city of Lleida, was
one of the first cities in the world to have Fiber to the Home connection (FTTH)
in about 90% of its homes. Moreover, the technology is due to give service not
only to houses, but up to 66.740 commercial spaces and businesses.
In the year 2017, the numbers of penetration of the
Information Technology in the region of Segrià, which comprises the city of
Lleida, were roughly higher than the rest of Catalunya. More concretely, the
percentages extracted from Idescat are the next. The available broadband average
in Catalunya is 82,9%; in Segrià, 83,4%; in Alta Ribagorça, 80%; Alt Urgell, 79,1%;
Cerdanya, 79,7%; Les Garrigues, 81,3%; La Noguera, 81,4%; Pallars Jussà, 77,3%;
Pallars Sobirà, 76,3%; Pla d’Urgell, 82,5%; La Segarra, 82,3%; El Solsonès, 80,5%;
L’Urgell, 82%; La Val d’Aran, 80%.
The data of the FTTH of the city of Lleida provided by
the Spanish Government fit to the results of the plan, and affirms that its
penetration is between the 90 and the 100%. However, this is a quite high number
compared to the province’s average, which is of 57,3%. This number places
Lleida before Girona (53,8%) and Tarragona (49,8%), but still in a great
difference compared to Barcelona (93,7%).
When it comes to other categories, the data displayed
related to the other Catalan provinces offer interesting interpretations. There’s
not a big difference when it comes to the different provinces in terms of IT
technologies. However, Lleida has a great impact in the wireless networks that
are superior to 30 Mbps. This fact may be explained as a result of the
‘Catalunya Connecta’ plan, which aimed to provide with wireless connection to
the Lleida province.
For the city of Lleida, the range of coverage is
between 90 and 100% for ADSL technologies superior to 2 Mbps. It is between 70
and 80% for the range of ADSL technologies superior to 10 Mbps, between 90 and
100% in the wireless networks superior to 2 Mbps. And again, between 70 and 80%
in wireless networks superior to 30 Mbps.
Taking everything into consideration, we can affirm that
Lleida has a good connection adapted to its geographical characteristics. While
it is true that it is the province with the smaller population density, by what
can be extracted from the Economic Memory of Catalonia in 2017, it can be
observed that in general it has a great Internet connection, probably as a
response to the big infrastructures and industries that take place in the
flatter areas of the province.
We analyze local broadband evolution (here, the case of Lleida) in this blog, in Research Group about Digital Journalism and Marketing and Broadband and in Research Group on Innovative Monetization Systems of Digital Journalism, Marketing and Tourism (SIMPED), from CECABLE, Escola Universitària Mediterrani of UdG, UPF and Blanquerna-URL, in Twitter (@CECABLEresearch), Google+, in the group of LinkedIn, in the page of LinkedIn, in the group of Facebook, in Instagram (CECABLE), in Pinterest and in this blog. We will go in deep in the XXIV Cable and Broadband Catalonia Congress (9-10 April 2019, Barcelona).
We analyze local broadband evolution (here, the case of Lleida) in this blog, in Research Group about Digital Journalism and Marketing and Broadband and in Research Group on Innovative Monetization Systems of Digital Journalism, Marketing and Tourism (SIMPED), from CECABLE, Escola Universitària Mediterrani of UdG, UPF and Blanquerna-URL, in Twitter (@CECABLEresearch), Google+, in the group of LinkedIn, in the page of LinkedIn, in the group of Facebook, in Instagram (CECABLE), in Pinterest and in this blog. We will go in deep in the XXIV Cable and Broadband Catalonia Congress (9-10 April 2019, Barcelona).
Molt agraïda per l'article sobre la Terra Ferma! La Catalunya de comarques necessita tota la banda ampla que es pugui!
ResponderEliminarMoltes gràcies, Paqui! El principi bàsic de la Societat de la Banda Ampla és la universalització del servei, sigui en zones urbanes, sigui en zones rurals. Cal lluitar per aconseguir aquest objectiu!
EliminarBona feina, Joan! Endavant!
ResponderEliminarMoltes gràcies!
EliminarInteresantes artículos sobre realidades específicas. ¡Felicidades!
ResponderEliminar¡Muchas gracias, Daniel!
EliminarSón moltes les comarques de Lleida que volem més banda ampla. A poc a poc confio que arribarà la connectivitat!
ResponderEliminarS'hi estan abocant esforços, però la infraestructura telecomunicativa és laboriosa de desplegar. Endavant!
EliminarMolt bon article, em après moltissim sobre ell!! (Marc Valero, Enric Boix Llaona, Ignacio Serra, Ricardo Jimenez-Ridruejo)
ResponderEliminarMoltes gràcies!
EliminarArticulo muy interesante, muy buen trabajo Joan!!
ResponderEliminarEs un artículo que muestra una gran realidad en estos tiempos en una comarca tan importante como es Lleida, en la que cada año llegan muchos turistas y para ello se necesitan buenas comunicaciones.
ResponderEliminar¡Muchas gracias, Marta!
EliminarTrés bon article , j'ai trouver votre demarche trés interessante, grace a vous j'ai appris la situation d'une petite vile catalane dont je ne connais pas ! Larissa
ResponderEliminarMerci beaucoup, Larissa!
ResponderEliminarÉs molt important, que la banda ampla arribi a tots i cada un dels punts del territori Català, i més avui en dia que és totalment necessària a qualsevol indret.
ResponderEliminarMolt bon article Joan FF!
Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Xavier!
EliminarÉs important treballar totes les conexions de banda ample del territori... sinó, només es modernitzará la área metropolitana (amb el pas dels anys, està clar!) Felicitats per l'article Joan!
ResponderEliminarMoltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Roger!
EliminarÉs molt important que la banda ample vagi arribant a totes les comarques de catalunya, però no només a les ciutats, sinó que també en les zones rurals ja que ens benefcia a tots.
ResponderEliminarMoltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Maria!
EliminarMolt bon anàlisi i molt bon article. Enhorabona pels 50M!
ResponderEliminar- Aura Checa
Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Aura!
EliminarEn apuest interesant article podem concluir que una provincia com la de Lleida, que en epoques altes rep una gran quantitat de turistes, necessita unes bones comunicacions. No només per l'interés dels turistes sino també pels dels residents, ja que la banda ample és necessária per modernizar la societat i avagades només es preocupen per les grans ciutats I aeras metreopolitanes.
ResponderEliminarMoltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Joan!
EliminarNecessitem que a Catalunya arribi la banda ampla de la mateixa forma i de qualitat. Molt bon article, doctor Fondevila.
ResponderEliminarAtt. Aroa Pérez
Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Aroa!
EliminarEn aquest article podem informar-nos que avui en dia encara falta molt per avançar tecnológicament; però gràcies als avanços que ha rebut de la banda ampla, la província de Lleida ha pogut modernizar-se en tots els sentits.
ResponderEliminarBon article Joan!!
Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Judit!
EliminarPodemos ver que aunque sea poco a poco vamos avanzando y eso es lo importante.
ResponderEliminarMuy buen artículo!
- Raquel Cardenas
¡Muchas gracias por tu comentario, Raquel!
EliminarEm sembla molt bé que les zones més rurals de Catalunya es començin a adaptar a les noves tecnologies ja que tothom tenim el dret de disposar de les mateixes prestacions.
ResponderEliminarArticle molt interessant! - Maria Barjau.
Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Maria!
EliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarMuy interesante, he podido saber como en Cataluña no solo la Generalitat se preocupa de mejorar tecnológicamente la región costera o la zona metropolitana de Barcelona y esto es muy importante teniendo en cuenta que todos los habitantes merecen disfrutar de las mejoras tecnológicas y sociales.
ResponderEliminar¡Muchas gracias por tu comentario, Nil!
EliminarAnem per bon camí amb la digitalització del territori. No obstant això encara queda molta feina a fer si volem estar a l'avanguarda dels nostres temps. Molt bon article Joan Francesc !!
ResponderEliminarMoltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Francesc!
EliminarMalgrat a vegades a les empreses no els surt a compte invertir diners en infraestructures per tal que la banda ampla arribi a tot arreu, és necessari que ho facin. En cas contrari, només es modernitzaran les zones desenvolupades de Catalunya. Molt bon article Joan Francesc!
ResponderEliminarMoltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Sergi!
EliminarCon un poco de suerte con el tiempo tendremos mejor internet por todas partes!
ResponderEliminarBuen articulo!
David Gomez Bernal
¡Muchas gracias por tu comentario, David!
EliminarCon esto podemos ver que cada vez más a las poblaciones que son más rurales les estan mejorando o incluso dándoles acceso a la banda ancha. Que en nuestros tiempos es algo muy importante
ResponderEliminar¡Muchas gracias por tu comentario, Dayana!
EliminarMe agrada saber que muchos lugares rurales estan teniendo la posibiliad de acceder a la banda ancha. O al menos se les esta intentando mejorar dado que es una cosa muy importante para una sociedad que actualmente vive conectada a la red. Buen articulo Fondevila
ResponderEliminar¡Muchas gracias por tu comentario, Dayana!
EliminarÉs transcendental que les connexions de banda ampla arribi a tots els territoris de Catalunya perquè avui en dia és molt important que un territori estigui modernitzat i avanci tecnològicament. Un article molt interessant!
ResponderEliminarMoltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Júlia!
EliminarGran article, poc a poc la banda ampla anirà arriban a toda Catalunya! Es un gran avanç per tots els que hi viene allá.
ResponderEliminarAlex Molina Ruiz
Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Àlex!
EliminarThe programm "Catalunya Connecta" sounds quite good! People living in rural zones need the same access to the internet as we have!
ResponderEliminarThanks, Maria!
EliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarÉs una bona notícia saber que la banda ampla ha pogut arribar a tot Catalunya ja que actualment la tecnologia avança ràpidament i necessitem estar actualitzats en tot moment.
ResponderEliminarMoltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Roser!